Price: $5

State: Arkansas
City: Dallas
Zip code: 75233
Type: Art & Antiques

January 8th at 6 pm, First Tuesday Social Justice Films ' presents its 2nd Annual Art Film & Silent Art Auction.  Bid from $5 to $500 on original and made-by-hand arts and crafts by local talents.  There will be a variety of mediums available.  Doors open at 5:45pm, bidding begins at 6 pm.   
Included in the night?s activities is the film Press Pause Play which explores this time in art history, where digital tools have made art-making available to nearly everyone. What are the benefits, and what are the risks?  Audience discussion follows.
This is a special event you won't want to miss! W. Kiest Blvd., Dallas, Texas --.
Proceeds go to the Unitarian Universalist Church of Oak Cliff?s Social Justice programming, including the free monthly film series.  This film is being cosponsored by The Dallas Peace Center and the Native Land Promotion Co.